Keen, dedicated and talented students have the opportunity to be invited to join one of our stage classes. Stage class students represent our school in several eisteddfods, competitions, major productions and community events. As they are part of an elite team, we expect utmost dedication and effort from the students, as just one member of the team can easily affect the entire group.

1. Stage class students are required to attend one regular class in the style they have been selected for, in addition to the stage class. For example, if selected for stage hip hop, the student will attend regular hip hop PLUS stage hip hop. The reason for this is that all our training & technique are taught to the students in regular classes (45 minutes) and only choreography I taught in stage class time (30 minutes). The teachers of regular classes and stage classes work together to ensure the students have mastered the necessary technique & skills that are needed in the stage class.

2. All students selected for stage jazz or contemporary MUST be enrolled in (and attend) a minimum of one ballet class per week, but preferably two. Lyrical stage class members must attend 2 ballet classes per week. Classical ballet technique is the foundation of all dance technique, and a huge element of what our students are judged on at eisteddfods and comps. This is applicable to all age groups starting from 8s- opens.

3. Students must be available in March (for stage class camp) & May, June, July & August 2024 without exception. This is when all the eisteddfods will be on & our stage class & mid-year concerts. In these months we insist that their stage class commitment is the number one priority. Please note eisteddfods may clash with sporting commitments, or school dance commitments.

  • Students are committing from July 2023- August 31, 2024

  • Students are to regularly attend all their classes (apart from sickness or travel) If more than 3 stage classes are missed for other reasons, their position in the group will be reviewed.

4. Students who commit to representing Plie as stage class members may not be enrolled or taking classes at any other dance studio. The reason for this is due to potential clashes of commitments, and external training that may be contradicting to the training we prefer at Plie. School dance is an exception, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the commitment to Plie performances or competitions.

From time to time, Plie will recommend external workshops or bring guest teachers to our studio to work with our students. Attending workshops at competitor’s dance studios (unless organised by Plie or your primary/high school) is not permitted. If students are looking at additional external workshops, please always let our staff know.

5. Extra costs - For stage classes we offer dramatically reduced rates to assist our families. Stage class is an extra cost of $125 per term for 1-2 stage classes. For 3 or more stage classes, the cost is $180 per term. An annual fee of $20 will be charged in term 3- this is to cover the extra costs associated with stage class (including eisteddfod entries and continual administration).

  • Costuming (sometimes a cost of $90- $150 purchase price per costume, and other times a $40 hire).

  • Compulsory Stage Class Camp- approx. $280

  • Competition jacket- approx $95

  • Shoes, stockings, make-up, hair curlers

6. Comps- Please be aware that as our stage classes are competition groups, we need to place our key players in prominent positions on the stage. It is the responsibility of the parents to transport their children to all competitions, and to do their hair and make-up. Parents/spectators pay an admission cost to watch comps- usually around $25 per day.


13 YRS

3.45pm-4.15pm Hip Hop
4.15pm-4.45pm Jazz
4.45pm-5.15pm Lyrical